Meet Fibs, SAGAS OF SUNDRY: GOBLIN MODE’s Skeleton Wizard

Meet Fibs. Undead Skeleton. Wizard. Phase spider uncle.

Meet Fibs, SAGAS OF SUNDRY: GOBLIN MODE’s Skeleton Wizard
BY Amy Ratcliffe

Meet Fibs. Undead Skeleton. Wizard. Self-appointed uncle to an orphaned phase spider. He contains multitudes.

An illustration of Fibs from Sagas of Sundry: Goblin Mode with a filled in character sheet
Zach Bellissimo/Geek & Sundry

Sagas of Sundry: Goblin Mode‘s Fibs, played by Dan Casey, isn’t a traditional hero. Like the other characters in the story, he’s an underdog. Fibs began life as a humble warrior in the Skeleton War. He studied to become a wizard. Inspired by the Dark Lord Unzug, who he fervently follows, Fibs wants to be a necromancer.

“You can’t tell a baby they sound creepy… You can tell one baby they sound creepy.”


Forced to leave his home after gallantlings, a.k.a. “heroes,” come through and leave destruction in their wake, Fibs must now make his way in the world. Fortunately he has Bizzee the skeleton and Tippy the goblin at his side. Friendship and spell craft will see him through.

Dan Casey is the Vice President, Creative & Development at Legendary Digital Networks where he makes cool things with cool people for Nerdist, Geek & Sundry, and other clients. He is also a TV writer, performer, and the author of books about Marvel’s Avengers and Star Wars. His work has appeared on Netflix, ABC, Fox, WIRED, and many more.

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